Hi everyone, sorry for not posting for such a long time. This blog post I am writing is mainly about illegal fishing. Does anyone know what is the real definition of illegal fishing? Illegal fishing takes place where vessels operate in violation of the laws of a fishery. This can apply to fisheries that are under the jurisdiction of a coastal state or to high seas fisheries regulated by regional organisations.
Here are some of the problems that some nations may face due to illegal fishing. Those countries with their citizens who are mostly fishermen would suffer as their fishing area may have a shortage of fishes if people fish at the area illegally. Since the fish has been caught illegally, the illegal fishers can sell them at a cheaper price.Because of this, the fishermen sell the fish legally would not be able to make any money as most people would buy fish which is sold cheaper.
These are not just the only problems, Governments who are trying to stop illegal fishing would also face certain kinds of problems. Since illegal fishing is a problem at sea, the government who is trying to prevent the activity may have to spend extra money perhaps to hire more coastguards or people to be the special task force at sea to spot and stop criminal ativities at sea such as illegal fishing.
Illegal fishing, is a major global issue which many countries around the world are facing. Since it is such a significant problem, I am such that the government of these countries must have come up with their own solutions to attempt solving this problem. Here are some solutions. Governments could increase the marine patrol and the amount of punishment given to offenders by increasing the fines given.
I have come to the end of my discussion on illegal fishing. Do drop a comment if you have any. Bye.